News list for " tlm"

A whale transferred 195 million TLM to Binance worth 2.80 million USD

A whale (0x9C55) transferred 195 million TLM to Binance worth 2.80 million USD.

2025-01-07 23:52:57

某鲸鱼(0x9C55)将 1.95 亿枚 TLM 转入币安,价值 280 万美元。

2025-01-07 23:52:57
Decentralized compliance wallet infrastructure ZTLment completes 2.40 million Euro Pre-Seed financing, PreSeed Ventures and others participate in the investment

ZTLment, a decentralized compliance wallet infrastructure headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, announced the completion of 2.40 million Euro Pre-Seed round of financing, with participation from PreSeed Ventures, Upfin, Giant Ventures and a group of angel investors. ZTLment claims to be the first compliance wallet infrastructure project in Europe for fiat currency transfers on a decentralized track, addressing long-standing challenges for ordering and booking platforms, including automating mone...

2024-05-29 16:02:09
去中心化合规钱包基础设施ZTLment完成240万欧元Pre-Seed融资,PreSeed Ventures等参投

总部位于丹麦哥本哈根的去中心化合规钱包基础设施ZTLment宣布完成240万欧元Pre-Seed轮融资, PreSeed Ventures、Upfin、Giant Ventures和一批天使投资人参投。 ZTLment称其是欧洲第一家在去中心化轨道上进行法定货币转账的合规钱包基础设施项目,可以解决订购和预订平台面临的长期挑战,包括自动化资金流动、提高支付透明度和保持监管合规性等。

2024-05-29 16:02:09